Accepting or Rejecting a Committee Nomination

Once an individual is nominated for a committee, or nominated for a committee position they must be approved or rejected. The approval and rejection process is done by using the nominee transfer icon located on the Committee Profile Actions Bar.

Many times a committee will hold a meeting to decide which nominees will be accepted and/or rejected. Once that has been decided, you may accept or reject nominees either individually or as a group if you have several nominations to consider at once.

To accept or reject a committee nominee, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to the Committee Profile.
  2. Click the nominee transfer icon located in the Action Bar of the profile page.The Edit - Committee Nominations pop-up window appears.The pop-up window displays a listing of all current nominees for the committee. Each nominee has a check box next to their name. You can choose to accept or reject a single nominee, or a group of nominees by clicking the applicable check boxes.
  3. Click the check box(es) next to the name(s) of the nominee(s) you wish to accept or reject.
  4. Expand the nomination drop-down menu and select the appropriate decision for the nominee (usually accepted or rejected.)
  5. Expand the participation drop-down menu and select the appropriate participation status for the nominee based on their nomination status.
  6. Enter the start date and end date for the nominee. Entering no date will default to today's date. Entering a start date in the future will add this nominee to the future participants child form located on the Primary tab of the Committee Profile.
  7. Click the Transfer button to approve a nominee, click the Reject button to reject a nominee.The Edit - Committee Nominations pop-up window will update and the individual(s) you just processed will no longer be present in the list of nominees.

Note: Accepted nominees will be visible on the transferred nominees child form located on the History tab of the Committee Profile. Rejected nominees will be visible on the rejected nominees child form located on the History tab of the Committee Profile.